Frequently Asked Questions
We always receive many of the same questions on a daily basis, so we thought we would save you some time and answer a few of your questions here.
Common Questions
Q. - Do you have a "master" key that will open my lock?
A. - No. The only master keys available to anyone are keys that are part of a generated masterkey system. For example, a large school, hospital, corporation or business may have a masterkey system designed for members of their staff to enter certain specific areas, but not all areas. The management may have a Master or Submaster key that will allow them into more than one area while an office worker may have a key that only operates the main entrance door and their office door. But rest assured there is no "master" key that will work on your home, your business, your vehicle and the padlock on your gate. It sounds great in the movies, but only in the movies.
Q. - Can you cut my key that has "Do Not Copy" stamped on it?
A. - Yes and No. Many "Do Not Copy" and "Do Not Duplicate" keys are stamped this way for a reason; the owner that issued these keys does not want more keys in circulation than necessary. If you are the owner of a Do Not Copy key then permission may be granted to have duplicate keys made provided that the owner has proof of ownership for this key on file with us. A person that walks into our shop from off the street with a Do Not Copy key wanting another duplicate key made for their personal use will in most cases be denied another key unless they have a letter of authorization from the owner allowing another key to be duplicated on their behalf.
Q. - Question?
A. - Answer. Q. - Question? A. - Answer. Q. - Question? A. - Answer. Automotive Q. - Do you have a "master" key that will open my lock? A. - No. The only master keys available to anyone are keys that are part of a generated masterkey system. For example, a large school, hospital, corporation or business may have a masterkey system designed for members of their staff to enter certain specific areas, but not all areas. The management may have a Master or Submaster key that will allow them into more than one area while an office worker may have a key that only operates the main entrance door and their office door. But rest assured there is no "master" key that will work on your home, your business, your vehicle and the padlock on your gate. It sounds great in the movies, but only in the movies. Q. - Question? A. - Answer. Q. - Can you ? A. - No. Commercial Q. - Can you make my Schlage key from my office work on my Weiser Locks at home? A. - No. All lock manufacturers design their own specific "keyway" or shape of milling on the sides of the key to match the shape of millings in the lock. This helps prevent a crossover of one manufacturers key possibly opening another manufacturers lock. The only way to match the keys to your office lock with the locks on your home would be to replace the locks (or lock cylinder within the locks) to match the manufacturer keyway. Q. - Can you ? A. - Answer. Q. - Question? A. - Answer. Q. - Question? A. - Answer. Industrial Q. - A. - Q. - Question? A. - Answer. Q. - Question? A. - Answer. Q. - Question? A. - Answer. Q. - Question? A. - Answer. Residential Q. - My purse was stolen and now the robber has my keys and identification, including where I live. I don't feel safe knowing the robber has a key to my home and knows the address of my residence. Do I have to replace the locks on my home? A. - No. You can save money by simply "rekeying" the locks on your home to a new key so your old key will no longer work. The locks on your home remain the same, only the keys will change. This method is far less expensive than replacing the entire lock, especially when the locks on your home are probably in perfect working condition, so why replace a lock when you don't have to replace it? Simply rekey it to new keys at a fraction of the cost. Q. - Can you make my Schlage key from my front door work on my back door Weiser Lock? A. - No. All lock manufacturers design their own specific "keyway" or shape of milling on the sides of the key to match the shape of millings in the plug or "barrel" of the manufacturers lock. This helps prevent a crossover of one manufacturers key from possibly opening another manufacturers lock. The only way to match the keys of your front door lock with the back door lock on your home would be to replace one of the locks (or lock cylinder within the locks) to match the manufacturer keyway. Q. - Question? A. - Answer. Q. - Question? A. - Answer. If you have a question that you do not see listed above, please contact us.